10 Odd New Year’s Resolutions


There are some truly odd new year’s resolutions that people have made! Here are a few that I found just through Google or from people that I know!

1. Resolve to enter a sweepstakes every day.

Believe it or not, some people just LOVE sweepstakes! Hopefully they include Mount Royal Light’s contests in there! I suppose this is a goal that could yield a lot of goodies! The more you enter, the more chances you have to win is the thinking behind this.

2. Learn useless facts.

Once you conquer the art of having a retentive memory you can be like “Bones” intern Mr. Vincent Nigel-Murray and spout endless facts and eventually win a million dollars on Jeopardy!

3. Get literate.

Learn the difference between you’re and your, then and than, and its, it’s, and its’. The world will thank you.

4. Never stand on carpet barefoot again.

Now that just sounds like a phobia. But maybe it’s just a cleanliness thing? What about people who ask you to take your shoes off at the door? This would be impossible at my house since I have carpet everywhere. I’d have to do what I do at the gym or in locker rooms: stand on my shoes while I’m changing socks. ::shudders:: locker room floors, yuck.

5. Invent a new trend or bring back an old one.

The example I found online was experimenting with a school uniform by “wearing trousers lower, ties thinner or knotted differently. How about wearing the blazer or jumper at weekends? Make that uniform cool.” A friend posted on Facebook the other day,

“I would like to single-handedly bring back the thankful hand wave when someone lets you merge.”

No pun intended.

6. Start a collection of something out of the ordinary.

As long as it’s not hair or toe nail clippings, we think collections are cool!

7. Pick a specific word to say every day.

Woof. Tongs. Indubitably. Underpants. Feller. Rigmarole. Try to make a sentence that includes all of those words!

8. Say yes to everything that is asked of you or to everyone who asks you out.

This could be dangerous. Just take it from Carl in the movie “Yes Man” with Jim Carrey. He gets into some pretty sticky situations because he can’t say no. This could also turn out way better than you expect.

9. Become a world record holder.

In 2005, I “kicked my way into the Guinness Book of World Records” and was part of the longest kickline. That record may or may not have been broken since, but it was still a cool experience.

10. Every time you see someone wearing glasses – Poke them.

This is an odd one I found on a Yahoo message board. But I felt it fit the “odd” resolution category. Your near-sighted boss or grandma may get irritated with you but I guess you’ll have the satisfaction of keeping your resolution. Or you could keep this to Facebook and just be the online creeper instead of the real-life creeper!

What is your New Year’s Resolution? Share it with us in the comments, odd or not!