Party Hardy!

Friday was our 2nd Mount Royal Light Party! BuB’s Irish Pub in Germantown, Wisconsin offered to host it and I couldn’t have been happier! The music was blasting thanks to DJ Peace, drinks were flowing thanks to the wonderful bartenders and Mount Royal Light girls and smiles were everywhere 🙂

If you bought a Mount Royal Light mixer or a Mount Royal Light shot from 10 p.m.-12 a.m. you received raffle tickets, and at midnight I raffled off 3 Mount Royal Light mirrors. Three lucky guys were the winners and they were stoked to bring home their prizes. Everyone was loving the MRL T-shirts and swag and showing it off for the camera!

Thank you to everyone who came out!

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Whisky Drinkers UNITE!

Welcome friends! I’m glad you stopped by to check out the brand new Mount Royal Light Blog! My name is Karri, this is Mount Royal Light’s first attempt at blogging and I hope you all enjoy it. The purpose of this fabulous communication method is for us to learn about all things whisky together—as a team! I am an amateur whisky drinker but am intrigued by the one-third fewer calories and one-third less alcohol Mount Royal Light has to offer! I’m excited to explore and want to share all my findings with you.

Get involved!
I can tell you all that I know about Mount Royal Light and whisky in general but life’s a party! So consider this your invite to the party! Interested in sharing your knowledge about whisky? Leave a comment at the end of any post (All comments have to be approved by me before they’re made public, just making sure everyone’s following the rules!), email me at or post something on our Facebook page. I want to hear from you!

So what is Mount Royal Light, you ask?
Mount Royal Light Whisky is a Canadian whisky (notice not “whiskey” – future blog post will explain the difference!) with one-third fewer calories and one-third less alcohol than traditional 80-proof spirits. Are you a bartender? Are you a calorie counter? Do you just plain love great whisky? Now, I don’t want to make this sound like an advertisement but if you answered yes to any or all of those questions you will love Mount Royal Light!

I’ve been a bartender at several places and I wish I would have known about Mount Royal Light when customers wanted to buy me a courtesy shot. This drink would have been my best friend. It’s only 97 calories per shot and isn’t as strong as a regular shot. Bartenders, pouring yourself some Mount Royal Light means staying more sober and keeping the extra calories out of your diet. Plus it tastes pretty dern good!

The Future is Bright…
I plan on not only posting things about Mount Royal Light on this blog, but I want to educate you as I discover more interesting tidbits about whisky – how it’s made, how you’re supposed to drink it, different kinds of whisky’s, fun facts! I’ll tell you about White Rock Distilleries, the company that makes Mount Royal Light, about the people who make Mount Royal Light and I’ll tell you about different places that serve it. I want to keep the posts light, fun and fruity (just like Mount Royal Light!)

…until next time fellow whisky drinkers!