Light vs. Lite

(This blog post refers only to "light" and "lite" when it comes to food and drinks. Obviously there are other definitions for both. The Online Etymology Dictionary helped me out with the specifics.)

Our new, awesome Mount Royal Light t-shirts sparked a question…

Q: Why are some foods and alcohols named “light” and others are “lite”?

The Online Etymology Dictionary listed light and lite as the following:

Light: not heavy; light in weight.

Lite: alternative spelling of light by 1962. Used from at least 1917 in product names, often as a variation of light.

I found several comments listing the meanings that the words light or lite on a package or in a brand name could mean from various websites.

  • A third fewer calories, or no more than half the fat, of the original version of the product.
  • No more than half the sodium compared to the original version of the product.
  • A lighter color or texture — this does not affect the nutrition of the product.

In Mount Royal Light’s case, it’s a third fewer calories and a third less alcohol. My point is, there is not really a big difference between the two words when it comes to describing a brand. It has to do more with what the company prefers to call their product. Light has several other definitions and uses and in those cases, lite would not make sense to use.

The Grammarist blog says, “If you want to be safe, use it only in reference to low-calorie or low-fat versions of things.”

Chew Gum…Burn 97 Calories!

Did you know that chewing gum for 1 hour burns 11 calories? That means you only have to chew gum for about 9 hours to burn off those 97 calories of Mount Royal Light you had last night! That doesn’t seem too tough now does it?!

When I was thinking about how hot it has been outside this week, it got me wondering if sweating actually makes you lose weight. After a bit of research, sadly, I found out you lose the water weight by sweating it out but as soon as you rehydrate you gain it right back. Dang, I was hoping my soaking shirt at the gym meant I lost more than the machines told me! I speak not only for myself, but I think many Wisconsinites as well, when I say that I work out to stay in shape and be healthy, but let’s be real… I want to burn the calories so I have room to drink the calories!

It was 97 degrees today and that reminded me of the 97 calories in a shot of Mount Royal Light. And that got me thinking about how long I’d have to work out or do anything for that matter to burn off 97 calories — before OR after I drink them. So again, I researched!

  1. Chew gum for 9 hours.
  2. Have sex for 52 minutes.
  3. Dance in the club (or your car with a DD in between bars!) for 15 minutes.
  4. Jog at 5 miles/hour for 10 minutes.
  5. Walk around the block for 27 minutes.
  6. Pick up trash in a park or along the beach for 22 minutes.
  7. Bike around the block at a moderate pace for 11 minutes.
  8. Play frisbee for 27 minutes.
  9. Straighten your hair for 37 minutes.
  10. Go bowling for 27 minutes.
  11. Mow the lawn for 18 minutes.
  12. Jump rope for 10 minutes.
  13. Swim laps for 11 minutes.
  14. Play a board game for 1 hour.
  15. Pick berries in a nearby field for 20 minutes.
  16. Garden for 17 minutes.
  17. Walk your dog for 20 minutes.
  18. Fold laundry for 43 minutes.
  19. Type at your computer for 60 minutes.
  20. Hula hoop in your driveway for 19 minutes.

Let’s cheers with a shot of Mount Royal Light Whisky, only 97 calories to celebrate this 97 degree day! The kind of weather we hope for all winter long and then dread when it’s…HERE HERE!!